Posted on: January 14, 2019
Whistlebrook and the WIRES user community, would like to thank Hinckley & Rugby Building Society for hosting the most recent WIRES User Group meeting in November 2018.
The conference was well attended, with Whistlebrook there to provide an update on the product roadmap and to listen to the valuable feedback provided by the users.
Particular areas of interest were:
- Automation of PRA110
- Extension of the WIRES ‘Variance reporting’
- Interval arithmetic rules on CRSA
- Non-scheduled items
In relation to the ‘Automation of PRA 110’, a further workshop meeting is to be planned for February to discuss interpretation and requirements.
The next WIRES user group meeting is scheduled for June 2019 and will again be hosted by Hinckley and Rugby Building Society.
With the popularity of the WIRES User Group meetings, an interest in similar events for other Whistlebrook products has been voiced. As a result, 2019 will see the first user group meeting for the Whistlebrook Treasury Management System (WTMS).
For more information on the WIRES or WTMS user group meetings, please get in touch with your account manager or contact enquiries@whistlebrook.co.uk